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Justin Jones likes nothing more than hearing his clients say, "I got the job"!

Affectionately known as "Job Coach Justin," he is naturally skilled at helping people recognize and communicate their inherent value. During his 20+ years in coaching, he has shared insights about interviewing and finding meaningful work with thousands of individuals.

Justin is a dynamic career coach, public speaker, and facilitator. Currently, he is responsible for overseeing a team of Career Mentors at Brigham Young University.

Second Speaker: Amanda Miller

6 Components of a Successful Job Search

Not sure where to start your job search? By integrating these six components into your search, you’ll be well on your way to securing multiple interviews and job offers! Learn how to choose the right career path, the key components of a successful resume and LinkedIn profile, where and how to network successfully, questions to practice for your interview, and how to negotiate the best offer.

9:00AM - 6TH APRIL, 2023